Sunday, March 20, 2011

Shoe . . . box . . . Tour . . .

This is my shoe:

This is a shoe box:

This is the Shoebox Tour 2011:

On Friday night the Shoebox Tour 2011, an international juggling tour, came to my school, the Waldorf School of Pittsburgh, for a show (Thursday night the Shoebox Tour was at AiP, where my daddy works). Jay Gilligan and Wes Peden were the jugglers for this year's tour. Jay was born in Ohio and Wes was born in New York and they both now live in Sweden. This was my 4th year to see the Shoebox Tour perform in Pittsburgh - the second year at my school - each year it is a different group of jugglers and each year they are AWESOME! Here's why: My favorite parts are always the funny parts! One was when Jay pulled off Wes' shoe, and then Wes stuck his other shoe out for Jay to take, but Jay was still too busy juggling, and so Wes hopped over to Jay and put his foot on Jay's leg and pulled his shoe off while Jay was still juggling (without dropping any of the balls he was juggling)! And then . . . Wes did three back flips on the wooden stage! Whew!

They started the show with Jay juggling three pink sand balls that had balloons attached to them. It was crazy because the sand balls were heavier and the balloons kept dragging behind. After some juggling, Wes came over with a long thin pin and started popping the balloons as Jay juggled the sand balls, without ever poking Jay - how do they do that? Seriously, how did he do that without poking Jay? Mom says, "It's all about good timing." You wont believe how good their timing really is unless you see their show. There are parts where they are all twisted up together and are both juggling, another part where one holds the other's hands and makes his hands juggle. The show is funny and amazing and is kind of like the 4th of July with so many "Ooohs and Ahhhs", clapping and cheering. We were all kind of tired and worn out at the end because it is hard work to keep up with what they're doing, trying to figure it all out.

I'd personally like to thank Jay and Wes for doing their FABULOUS show at my school again this year, raising money for the school, and also introducing more people in Pittsburgh to Shoebox's AWESOME juggling (which is really so different than any other juggling I've ever seen)! THANK YOU JAY AND WES!

If you live on the east coast, they're coming your way, check their calendar at for tour dates the next two weeks from Virginia to Maine.

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